When I Needed You The Most
Judy hasn’t had the best life. In fact, she’s had more heartache than happiness. Working a dead-end job and struggling to make ends meet, living in a constant state of stress was the norm until the night her boss sent her on a last minute food delivery.
Poppa, a self-made millionaire, doesn’t have the time nor the patience for a love life. His only intent was to sleep with the food delivery girl that night. Never in a million years did he expect to fall in love.
After a life-changing event, the two completely different souls have no choice but to coexist. As they try to love each other, a bitter ex-wife and a brewing storm threaten everything. Amid all the turmoil, Poppa will need Judy more than ever. Can Judy be there for him when he needs her the most, or will karma leave him standing alone?